Monday, October 20, 2008

Two More Info Sessions on the A3C

What is the A3C, other than standing for the Asian/Asian American Center? Why is it important? What are the difficulties?

What can you do to help?

To find the answers, we invite you to attend one of our info sessions.

Session #1:
Date: Tuesday, Oct 21 (tomorrow!)
Time: 6pm
Place: Goldwin Smith 156

Session #2:
Date: Wednesday, Oct 22
Time: 6pm
Place: Goldwin Smith 156

Let us know if you can make it at If you can't make either of these sessions and still want to attend one, please let us know as well! We would very much appreciate it if you could all circulate this email to your friends and groups.

Once again, the goal of this Center is to provide university support for Asian and Asian American students and provide a space for community-building, cultural celebration, and the development of an Asian/Asian American consciousness. We are currently working with the administration on plans for the Center, but, as outlined in the form letter, we have run into some problems. We hope that with the support of a large number of students and their parents we can overcome these problems and see the creation of this Center.


Bhavna Devani
Samantha Dong
Susan Duan
Caroline Hugh
Jonathan Pomboza
Clara Ng-Quinn

Students of the A3C Committee

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