Sunday, September 28, 2008

Get the Administration to Address Asian/Asian American Issues!

Please circulate widely among your listservs. Please write a letter to the email addresses below about your concerns.

  • Asian/Asian American students—nearly 20%of Cornell’s population—feel more disconnected from the Cornell community than any other demographic.
  • Students and researchers have made formal recommendations for over six years—but the administration has dragged its feet, providing little assistance.
  • Most recently the administration has suggested an inaccessible storage space in Willard Straight Hall and rescinded a promise of financial support.

  • Hiring an Assistant Dean for Asian/Asian American Student Support.
  • Providing students with a fully staffed program center large enough to serve the huge Asian/Asian American population.
  • Making these a reality within the next year.

Improving Cornell is only possible through your vocal and financial support.

Please write letters to David Skorton, Susan Murphy, David Harris, and Kent Hubbell (,,,, about the lack of university services. Encourage students, parents, and alumni to do the same!

Contact Caroline Hugh ( for further information.

Monday, September 8, 2008

meeting with other activists

Hi A3C members (old, new, and interested),

You may have heard of the racist and Islamophobic Cornell Review articles that were published at the start of the school year. This video would give you more information about it if you haven't heard: Or you could email back with more questions.

Anyhow, a unifying response is developing from this. At first I thought it was just a short-term coalition about responding to these absurd articles, but the meeting on Saturday consisted of members from LAL, BSU, Watermargin, APAA, MOSAIC, CAN, PAC, Bully Pulpit, and others who seek to address all forms of discrimination on campus. Members are also more than willing to support us in our effort to establish the Asian/Asian American Center (A3C).

For this, I would highly encourage all of you to join the next meeting and contribute in strategizing to turn the discrimination around on campus. We can work to forward the progress of A3C and be the change!

Next meeting: Saturday, 9/13
Time: 4pm
Location: Latino Living Center, Main Lounge

In Solidarity,